Update for the Ocean Adventures
Summer Program If you have any questions please give us a call at 804.221.9727 or email cwhutchinson@vcu.edu In the meantime, make sure your child has registered for kindergarten. |
Aviso Acerca del Programa de Verano
Aventuras Oceánicas Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta llámenos al (804) 221-9727 o mándenos un correo a cwhutchinson@vcu.edu Mientras tanto. Asegúrese de que su hijo(a) este registrado para el Kínder. |
Together with our partners, the ExCELL Program presents the unique and effective summer program, “Ocean Adventures.”
What is OA?This program supports school readiness and successful transition to kindergarten for children with a focus on early language and literacy skill development and parent engagement.
Each week, Ocean Adventures classrooms will feature a different ocean-related topic, using storybooks with engaging learning activities that promote vocabulary and comprehension skills. Family literacy events and field trips will engage and support parents in providing enhanced learning opportunities at home and in the local community. A unique feature of the five-week program is the co-teaching team of a kindergarten teacher and preschool teacher to support a successful transition to kindergarten. The Ocean Adventures program gives children an intensive dose of language and literary instruction and provides them with opportunities to become familiar with kindergarten routines. |
What are people saying about our summer program?From our OA teachers: "The program is very well organized and thought through. The kids enjoy the ocean theme and make a lot of progress in such a short time!" "I enjoyed all of the materials, it really helped students develop skills that they will use kindergarten." We asked our OA parents: did OA help prepare your child for transitioning into kindergarten?
"Yes! He could not wait to go each morning." "Yes it did, by continuing school she was able to retain all information better and longer." "Yes, and thank you so much. Now he will know what Kindergarten is about." |
Ocean Adventures Family Events
Ocean Adventures offers multiple opportunities during the summer for families to attend a literacy night in and around their community.
The information and materials provided at each event helps to engage and support families as their child prepares for kindergarten. Remember to check the OA Calendar and your child's backpack for information about Ocean Adventures Family Events! |